
Sharing my brand-new time management tool with you

I’m excited to share one of my favorite new tools with you: my brand new Time Tracker Excel template. It’s how I focus where and how I’m spending my time day-to-day — and how I cut out the activities that aren’t serving me.

You can download the tracker and use it for free here.

I created both a blank sheet (for you to fill in, and/or make as many copies of as you need) and a sample tab using my own schedule. I’m a visual lady, so color-coding is incredibly helpful for me to see themes in my “chunks” of time.

I always find it funny how there seems to be so much more white space and free time when you plot it all out on paper. It’s like there is a temporary “mute” button for all the feelings of overwhelm that sometimes sabotage your progress on your goals.

To get full utility out of this template, I recommend starting by making a couple copies: one version that’s a more optimized view of your current schedule, and a separate copy that is your perfect, ideal, utopian life schedule. (On mine, that one includes sleeping until at least 7:30am…so glorious.)

When you start filling the tracker in with all your daily activities, both copies of your time tracker need to start with scheduling in your life’s non-negotiables: sleep, meals, etc. These are the first to go when we’re stressed, so they must be the foundational bedrock for your plan to keep yourself sane and energized.

Next, you add in spaces for the “musts” of your life: date night with your spouse/SO, working out, time with friends, book writing, empire building…whatever fits with your life’s purpose and priorities right now. Then, everything else can fall in place around it as needed.

Once you’re done, the first “current, but better” schedule template can become your reality — and, if executed properly, it also becomes your bridge to the second one. Very sneaky, eh?

Download your Time Tracker Template today — and let me know what you think!

About the Author Lisa Lewis

Lisa is a career change coach helping individuals feeling stuck to find work that fits. She helps people clarify who they are, what they want most, and what a great job for them looks like so they can make their transition as easily as possible. Lisa completed coaching training in Jenny Blake’s Pivot Method, Danielle LaPorte’s Fire Starter Sessions, Kate Swoboda's Courageous Living Coaching Certification, and the World Coaches Institute. In addition to that, she apprenticed with the top career coaches in the country so she can do the best possible work with — and for — you. She's helped more than 500 individuals move into more fulfilling, yummy careers and would be honored to get to serve you next!

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